Speculative possibilities
On this page you find plenty of possibilities to use „Qigong Dancing“.
Through animal pictures you get the awareness for your physical posture. Wrong postures
and physical deficits can be balanced. For each discomfort in the body a certain practice can be developed that brings back the joy to move and opens a way how to deal with difficulties.
That way for example the Qigong practice „the relaxed shoulders of the bear“ helps comfort your shoulder gridle, the „movement of the snake“ is for the flexibility of your spine. Even though the patient has current pain the movements will bring him relief and so he will again find pleasure in exercise.
Not only the physical effectiveness will help but also the acquisition of attendant and patient will become of great meaning. The practise in small groups of similar mongering disease is recommended, this way the social bond can increase and the mutual understanding can be mantained.
Qigong classes can be taken one to one with the teacher or in small groups. Through Breathing techniques, physical practices and visualization practices you will be guided into a living experience of emotional condition and possibilities of action.
- To discover your own resources through the different pictures.
- New behaviour to experience new ways of action in a non judgemental space.
- It shows you new ways to deal with your agressions, the longing for attention, how to deal with conflicts and sexuality, lust of life which often is a tabu in our society.
- To realize blocking and to overcome them.
- How to set boundaries and how to accept them.
- To realize body signals and how to respond to them.
In the following conversation the personal dynamics will be explained and the results will be anchorde.
Through the free movement creativity will be stimulated, the experience can be expressed in painting.
While expressing through art the own flow will be reflected. A good possibility is to continue this exercise with a partner. The painted expression will be introduced to the opposite, who will be inspired to feel them in his own movement.
While working with clay the personal favourite animal can form. Masks and animals made from papermache are further offers. This can be a playful access for treatment in Neurology, traumatology and internistic.
Good experiences have been made on venture days at schools. The related music with support of imaginary pictures, which are activated through the animals, is inviting to try out something new.
The lack of concentration, motoric deficit, difficulties with awareness and realisation will be influenced through the different exercises. The „inner power“ of the children is being supported.
To create an own choreography with an own representation afterwards are other approaches.
Regular practising groups are recommended in schools.
While working with older people, the communication aspects can be emphasized. Away from isolation towards a happy encounter. All Qigong practices can be also done with light variations
while sitting or even laying. Happiness in expression, playful elements, meeting in different distances (from clear boundaries to very close) can be discovered through body language, indipendant from age and physical or emotional charakteristics.
In stationary as well as in outpatient treatment Qigong Dancing offers since many years useful support, powerful impulses to strengthen the self healing capacity and gives you the freedom and opportunity to continue the practices by yourself.
About Gertrud Schröder
Her first experience with ZEN meditation and martial arts happened when she was 22. After working on different techniques, she went along with martial arts, finally. Throughout many years of learning and teaching in different countries, her inspiration lead her to integrate her personal experience into her work. In practicing ZEN mediation she developed new perspectives and made it to the basic principle of her life. After all she became a ZEN nun at the temple »La Grendonniere« in France.
Since 1989 she gives classes in martial arts and meditation on a regular, annual basis.
Her institute of martial arts was found in 1994 with the name Friedlicher Drache (engl. peaceful dragon).
She also works in schooling and with handicapped persons.
In 2016 she started to create stage plays that are being performed by her students and being attended by musicians.
In 2017, her new book „Discover the Power of the Four Animals“ has been published.
For further information, please contact: info@friedlicherdrache.de